Friday, May 2, 2014

Happy 2nd Birthday Yana!!

IShe came home on December 13, 2013

She was a 3 pound 32 week preemie at birth. When we met her she was17 pounds and 29 inches. Not speaking a word. She was "delayed".

She called me "mama" on Dec. 15.
Called Paul "papa" a few days later.

Now, almost 5 months later, She weighs 22 pounds and is 32 inches tall. From 9 month size clothes to 18 month size.

She is a champion climber.

An enthusiastic eater.

She can say almost 20 words including "apple" "Ella" "me" "mine" and "bowl" and several signs including "more".

She is living large as the youngest of my 9 here on earth.

Happy Birthday my Yana Faustina...

Wishing you many many many more...


  1. Happy Birthday sweet one!!!!!!!! <3

  2. Wow, the transformation is amazing! Happy 2nd, Yana!!!

  3. Oh my goodness, Carla, she is beautiful, beautiful, beautiful! And you look radiant with her in your arms. :) Happy Birthday, sweet Yana!

  4. She is as cute as they come!!!! Happy Birthday Yana!!

  5. What a beauty! Happy birthday!

  6. What a cutie! Was she named after St Faustina? Jesus, I place my trust in You! (A prayer you must say quite often as you forge ahead on your journey!)

  7. Thank you for sharing. I love to see how the children just blossom after they are in a family!!

  8. Wow! Happy Birthday Princess!

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