Friday, October 21, 2011

A preview of next week...

Monday - casting for back brace for Henry's scoliosis

Tuesday - physical therapy evaluation (doc wants Henry to have therapy 2-3 times a week)

Wednesday - Early Childhood Intervention evaluation for services through the county

Thursday - Cervical Spine X-Rays and Blood Tests at the Children's Hospital

Friday - mommy and baby stay home and collapse!

Enjoy your Friday Photo of Henry and his big brother Logan (who turned 5 last Wednesday)!!


  1. Oh my goodness. That is one full week. Praise God Henry has the ability to do these things now!!!!

  2. Wow! Busy week! I hope lots of good comes from these appointments!

  3. This boy is going to thrive!!! God bless him and all of you!

  4. What a beautiful little guy. We have two children (adopted) that have DS. My youngest needed to use the Habberman feeder for several months, he still drinks from a bottle however is learning to self feed, and drink from a sippy cup. We were told he was eating well when we went to pick him up at one month old in Atlanta Georgia. He only weighed 6 lbs. He is two now,and weighs 22 lbs. He has OT,PT, and speech T. We are thinking of adopting a baby girl from Russia or Ukraine. There is a baby girl with DS in Ukraine with major heart defects, it breaks my heart to see and read of little ones with no family to love them. Any advice for a family a little hesitant about an Int. Adoption? Thanks
