Wednesday, May 25, 2011


My younger brothers used to have a "Stretch Armstrong" like this guy when we were kids in the 1980's.

He had green goo inside that made him stretchy....and when we stretched him too far....

as eventually happened....

the goo came oozing out.

God is stretching our family right now.

And some goo is gonna come oozin' out...

and it is going to be a bit painful (can you see the grimace on poor Stretch?)...

but with the support of prayer (our own and from some dear friends) and the sacraments and some plain old hard work...

we are gonna stretch farther than we ever thought possible!!!!

And we won't break.

We will soar.

We serve a mighty God who sets orphans in families (Kirill, Brady and Nathaniel)...

and who hears the cries of the poor.

Here we are Lord.

Stretch away....


  1. I remember that guy AND I feel just like him too!

  2. I like your attitude and stretchy-ness! I'll be praying!

  3. agree with leila - great attitude!

  4. Hello - first time here :) My little guy has a cleft palate too.

  5. Very Well said...Stretched indeed... So that we might find out not only what we are really made of,,, But what God can do for us and with us If we let him! Tell your DH,,,that it takes EVERY part of the service to make up the Best military in the world,,,and protect the Best country in the world. The ones that stayed here and played their part, kept their role...VERY Important Indeed!
